This week Coffee with Captain was a little different. We were without Steve the first half of the week and somewhat Capless the second half. We had two great co-hosts in Papii and Outer Lumen that helped fill the void. With that brought finance talk about Bitcoin, Ethereum and Memecoins. We also talked a lot about the role of digital art in the future. We even featured Alkan to talk about his newest creation, Strata. Finally, you know we had to talk a little bit about Bitcoin ordinals because it’s here to stay. Let’s dive into the days.
In case you missed any of the shows, below is a small recap of each day with links to the podcast on Apple and Spotify. Links to other streaming platforms can be found on our buzzsprout page. Check out the timestamp if you want to catch the specific interviews.
Magic Eden & OpenSea’s Performance + Strata by Alkan

Magic Eden is often praised for their innovation in the crypto space. The diamond drop for Ethereum users drops later this week and it has everyone buzzing. What about OpenSea though? They’re losing market share monthly and there may be nothing they can do at this point. Johnny, from Magic Eden, still believes OpenSea has the best SEO in the space because they’ll always populate when you search for any top NFT. Magic Eden is heavily investing efforts to penetrate that portion of the market. Johnny also praises OpenSea’s platform UI, as that’s a feature Magic Eden wants to improve upon.
Later the Coffee Crew is joined by Alkan Avcıoğlu to his latest art drop, Strata. Alkan is a scholar with a diverse background. He’s studied visual art all his life and started digital painting around 1999 as an experiment. Strata is a collection that is broadly AI, but also blends photography. Alkan is known for playing between the line of reality and illusion. Listen in as he shares about his process with creating his own images.
Check this episode out on Apple and Spotify.
Examining the Memecoin Streets

Memes are an important part of culture, but what’s there’s just as much importance between memecoins and crypto culture. Can memecoins help break crypto into the larger market with its ease of tradability? Would memecoins even be a good introduction? The memecoin streets can be dangerous if you’re not well equipped. Understanding the memecoin environment is pivotal to having success trading them.
The Coffee Crew also gets a Memeland update. There was some initial chaos with the token unlock, but it turns out Ray and the team at 9gag are pretty knowledgeable. Our own Kyle Riggins trusts that this team will try and do the right things in the future when it’s all said and done.
Check this episode out on Apple and Spotify.
How Does Bitcoin and Ethereum Price Action Affect NFTs

On Wednesday we examined the price action of Bitcoin and Ethereum. What do terms like the Fear and Greed index mean in relation to Bitcoin. Also, institutional money continues to buy Bitcoin while Ethereum NFTs continue to fall in ETH value. How do you calculate the value of your assets? I would venture to say most people calculate all their NFT portfolio in USDC, the underlying asset. So, does 1 ETH = 1 ETH hold true or is just a coping mechanism we use? The world is still not ready for mass crypto adoption. You can’t pay for 99% of real world essentials in cryptocurrency, so price it in your underlying currency.
Speaking of Ethereum, transaction fees continue to rule the day. New entrants are going to want to pay $30 to perform low cost transactions. This will continue to be one of the biggest barriers for Ethereum-specific trading. BAYC price action also continues to be interesting as it’s very obvious whales are controlling the price action. The one positive is low prices give entry points for participants looking to enter the Yuga ecosystem.
Check this episode out on Apple and Spotify.
The Future of NFTs in Art History

We truly don’t know what the future of art history will look like, but we know digital art will play a role. Eventually, there will be a blend of digital art and traditional art. Artists such as Claire Silver, Tyler Hobbs, Jack Butcher and many more will be included in future discussions as trailblazing digital artists.
We also discussed the movement of Bitcoin compared to other cycles and potential ways it might move. Finally, we ended with some advice in NFT trading. We know there are a lot of whales that play with considerable size. Playing PvP with individuals who have massive amounts of liquidity is always a losing battle, so it’s best to stay out of their way.
Check this episode out on Apple and Spotify.
Understanding Bitcoin Ordinals + Being an Artist with Outer Lumen

I’ll be honest, I still don’t get Bitcoin ordinals and I don’t particularly care to dive too deep. Why are people so averse to ordinals? There’s a level of complexity that many don’t want to figure out, but individuals within the ordinals ecosystem are known to be very helpful for those who want to learn. Ordinals are around to stay, so taking time to understand the ecosystem will likely benefit you in the long run. Don’t be like me
Check this episode out on Apple and Spotify.
Wrap Up
That wraps up Week 11. It was a little different than normal, but it was nice to have our special co-hosts flex their knowledge. A week of ordinals, art and memecoins isn’t too bad of one. Will next week be more of the same or will it bring us something different? You’ll just have to tune in next week Monday-Friday at 8am to find out. Catch up on week 10 here if you missed it.
Be sure to check out:
- The Everything Token: A Book on Web3 and NFTs
- Making Coffee: Our Official Coffee Partner