Mizzle’s NFT Tool Box: Ninjalerts
Hello dGens! I will be starting a weekly series where I talk about tools in the NFT space
that I find interesting along with a rating system. Ratings include: Good Tool, Game Changer,
and Scale Tipper. It’s no secret, the privier a trader is to info the better they will be. NFT Tooling
is the best kept secret in the space and using these tools effectively can be the difference
between gains and sending your nfts to the hidden folder. Let’s dive in.
The tool of the week that I want to talk about is Ninjalerts. Ninjalerts is a blockchain
notification tool that will alert users real time for events that they want to be notified about on
the blockchain. With this tool, users can track wallets or smart contracts throughout the space.
Want to be notified when that new hype mint is live? How about adding it to the Ninjalerts app
and being notified when the dev interacts with the saleIsLive function? Or maybe you want to
be alerted when Ryan Carson’s fund 121 Gigawatts is about to sweep a floor? All this and more
can be done in one application.
The app is for both desktop and mobile. Members can sign into the dashboard where
they can see their feed along with suggestions of wallets to follow by the team. The select
wallets that are curated often have tags associated to the wallet. Some of the tags include: High
ROI Flipper, Smart Money, NFT Influencer, etc. The app also has a trends section where you can
analyze the most bought and sold nfts of the day as well as seeing who is buying these assets.

Let’s show off just what this App is capable of. One of my favorite projects lately is
Goblintown.wtf. One of the coolest things they are doing is the constant lore around the Eggs.
Every so often they will change the metadata of the Eggs for the next part of their story.
Ninjalerts allows you to be notified real time once the function to change the metadata is
interacted with. If you head over to the dashboard and copy in the contract address for
goblintown: 0xbCe3781ae7Ca1a5e050Bd9C4c77369867eBc307e
It will pop up all the functions that you can be notified on. In this case were going to select
“makgobblinhaveparts”. Now all we do is add the alert and the next time it is interacted with
we will get the alert!

So, let’s talk about what everyone wants to know. What’s the price of such an awesome
tool? Members can purchase a Lifetime Membership. The Lifetime pass is a one-time payment
and can be picked up on Opensea here.
The current floor at the time of writing this article is .144 ETH (roughly $200 USD). One
of my favorite features is the webhook accessibility. Members can add these alerts directly to a
discord server. Like many of you I spend a good bit of my day on Discord and Twitter. Having
these alerts send directly to a discord is a great alterative if you happened to miss the push
notification elsewhere.
Rating: Scale Tipper
In Conclusion, Ninjalerts is the best notification app out. The ability to get push notifications
directly sent to your desktop or phone ensures that you will be up to date on the latest info in
the space. As we all know the NFT space never sleeps so to get an edge like this is massive.
Check out my other articles here.