Fuck it. Mutants Thread.

While it didn’t start with one of the most famous tweets in @BoredApeYC lore, the “Fuck it” tweet on a random Tuesday in August sent the entire NFT world into a frenzy for the next 4 days.
Speaking of lore, what we did know prior to the “Fuck it” tweet was “mutants are insane” ..is this the most famous 3 word discord post of all-time? (ps – @_PPMan_ you’re a legend)

Before we talk about that electric week, and the Mutant drop that would go on to becoming another part of the Yuga blueprint that many/most other PFP projects would eventually follow to some degree, let’s go all the way back to the beginning. Starting with the BAYC Roadmap:

wtf is NFT Breeding? At the time, all we had to compare to was P2E games like @zed_run @AxieInfinity and the OG @CryptoKitties Were we going to breed our apes? It would be shared that 2 apes wouldn’t be required, but other than that very little about Mutants was known.
I’d love to know how much the founders built in-flight … drop mechanism, the M1s, 2s and Megas, etc – it often goes overlooked that this was a novel concept at the time. It’s also overlooked that the Mutant drop was less than four months after that magical mint out night.
Here’s a great thread from @NFTBeliever from the day of the “Fuck it” tweet with the info we did have.
The way the founders trickled info without sharing all the details led to countless theories from the community, and in hindsight this played into the overall community lore building and expansion of IP.
@0xLambi might have been the closest on Mutant theories, but not quite.

An already strong community came closer together over three words “mutants are insane” and created such anticipation and excitement that the tweet with the those four words “Fuck it. Mutants Saturday” ignited 4 days of pandemonium, kicked off by @beijingdou and @VickijEth.

The 1st ever Mutants Saturday a snapshot at 4pm, followed by an airdrop of serums at 5pm and then launch at 6pm.

There was a small delay during the airdrops, leading to launch at 8:41PM This is the first we’re hearing of “mutation” and a PUBLIC SALE?! 10K serums dropped & 10K Mutants for sale via a Dutch Auction starting at 3 eth BAYC Floor was ~60 eth ($200K).
The DA minted out at 2.7 eth with Mutant #9999 Not a very irrelevant mutant.

DA mint out at 2.7 would be considered a massive success by almost all today It was met with mixed reviews, some critical of the art, others critical of the DA and the public sale in general I found it incredible for a startup to raise $90M w/o dilution.
My good friend,
@NFTbark felt that Yuga blew it, and he wasn’t alone. The floor dropped from a high of 63 eth down to 43 eth on Mutants Saturday!?!
Garga reflected with an announcement Sunday and shared more details in discord and on the website /mayc/info The club went from 5,333 to instantly having the ability to grow to the ~19,500 members in the club today. The Mutant drop also marked the completion of Roadmap 1.0.

The ape floor would gradually increase and mutant floor would hover around mint price for the next couple of months. It was the 1st ApeFest (Oct 31-Nov 3) starting with the Yacht Party and culminating with the warehouse party that sent Mutants running.
I vividly remember walking the streets of NYC with @NFTbark and @EverydayJohn_ during that 1st apefest talking about how clearly unvalued mutants were in the current market based on fact that … Mutants are Apes. For the record, none of us acted on our conviction.
Fast forward to the 1-year anniversary today and Mutants hold a 14.5 eth floor in a bear market with nearly 13K unique holders. Not only is it true that Mutants are Apes. They’re the cool kids club and the leading shitposters on Twitter.
Looking at you @notthreadguy.
It’s been incredible watching the community grow over the past year, the collective talent in the BAYC and the incredible amount of derivative projects leveraging IP is unparalleled. It’s hard to believe it’s only been a year and can’t wait to see what the next decade brings.
Massive thanks to the founders for working tirelessly for months to pull this off and thoughtfully growing the community. Happy Mutant Anniversary to the entire team at @yugalabs.
I hope you all get a chance to touch grass, or mushrooms in the forest, and reflect this weekend.
If you enjoyed this thread, a like/follow/RT always appreciated. @NFTbark and I would love for you to join us here on Spaces. We co-host Coffee with Captain every weekday at 8am EST powered by @dGenNetwork.
Yesterday’s show was a banger! https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1zqKVBdOjRAKB?s=20