Thus far, 2023 has most certainly been the year of artificial intelligence (AI), as with the likes of ChatGPT piercing their way into mainstream consciousness, historians in years to come may reflect on the past few months as somewhat of a turning point in the evolution of the Information Age (enter Mindverse).
As many will already be aware of, the all-encompassing premise of AI is to replicate human capabilities in ways which are exponentially more proficient. Through this, the trajectory of human civilization is expected to skyrocket to new and unimaginable heights (or so we think).
At this current moment in time, many of our experiences with highly sophisticated AI systems have largely come through explicitly interacting with AI platforms, be it ChatGPT, DALL-E, or Midjourney etc. In time – and as we are already seeing – the powers of such technologies are set to grace many of the day-to-day platforms in which we frequent.
Such a statement may have you thinking, ‘but what about the many e-commerce chatbots that have been around for a while?’ For this, I have to say that you are right – in a sense – however if you are really being honest with yourself, do many of these actually seem ‘intelligent’?
From a personal perspective, I cannot remember a single time in which an online chatbot has helped with a query of mine – let alone resolve one – which is why my brain has basically been programmed to ignore their existence when browsing the web.
Of course, there are many reasons behind the incapabilities of today’s chatbots, be it limited functionalities, inadequate training/testing, clunky design/user interfaces, or an array of other technical limitations. In turn, these failings usually prompt those in-need to turn to what we all really desire at heart… some good old human-to-human communication.

Thankfully, through the developments of today’s holistically sophisticated AI products (relatively speaking), vastly intelligent, human-like chatbots are close on the horizon.
One company pioneering such space is Mindverse, a Singapore-based tech company that’s paving the way for the inevitable ‘Mind as a Service’ (MaaS) industry – which if you didn’t know, is a spin on the ever-growing ‘Sales as a Service’ (SaaS) industry. Of course, in this instance, ‘Mind’ relates to AI, and how its seemingly unbound powers can serve as ‘services’ across many domains of human living.
The MindOS ‘Virtual Beings’
The company’s flagship product is called MindOS, which is essentially a tool for creating virtual AI beings that can serve as assistants across business’s sales and service operations.
At its core, MindOS allows users to generate customisable AI virtual beings that come with their own personalities, as well as being embedded with a wealth of knowledge domains and app integration capabilities. Such beings can be deployed as chatbots across sales and service web pages, or even as Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) and process automation tools for productivity/ other internal processes.

With large language models (LLMs) at the core of the tech, MindOS and its AI beings use real-time searching and zero-shot training, meaning they can be trained with unstructured and unsorted data sources such as data sets, product documents, and onboarding manuals.
AI beings can be integrated into websites seamlessly, and through the aforementioned training methods, each can also be finely tuned to fit the tone and direction of a firm’s vision, as well as provide data that’s in line with the premise of an industry. In turn, the behaviour and answers of MindOS AI beings will seem human-like, or if not better given their rapid response times.
“We see our role in acting as a bridge between unwieldy LLMs and the very specific needs of particular industries like e-commerce, hospitality, customer service, automotive, gaming, education, and MICE. We see the Closed Beta as an opportunity to learn how target industry insiders can deploy generative AI to solve problems for SMEs and enterprises.”
Minders Co-Founder and COO Kisson Lin

On the Web3 side of things, MindOS AI beings can also be deployed as NFT avatars across metaverse platforms, which can then be leveraged by metaverse-goers to enhance their experiences in particular virtual settings.
As of now, the platform supports over 30 different languages, with its AI beings coming in over 1,000 pre-designs. In addition, the current success rate of the AI beings’ deliveries sits in the region of 97%.
The MindOS Closed Beta Launch
For those interested in testing out the tech for themselves, Mindverse is prepping to launch MindOS in Closed Beta on April 18th 2023 – where in doing so, the company will invite developers, journalists, entrepreneurs, and other tech pioneers to attend a series of webinars across April 18th-April 20th.
Of course, these webinars – which are free of charge – are being hosted with the intent of showcasing the powers of the platform, where per the words of the project’s Co-Founder and CEO Fangbo Tao, they will “offer a deep dive on our core technology, an AMA with our founders, and a Closed Beta license for attendees to get comfortable with MindOS before our Open Beta.”
Although a specific date hasn’t been announced yet, Mindverse plans to launch MindOS in Open Beta in the coming months (with rumors that it’ll come in advance of XR conference ‘AWE USA’ in late May).
In wake of such launch, we could perhaps see MindOS use cases explode, as per predictions from Vision Research Reports, the ‘MaaS’ industry – which is more generally known as ‘AI as a Service’ – is expected to reach a valuation of $96 billion by 2030.
Learn more about how AI is impacting web3 here.