These NFTs Are Down Big
Let me make this perfectly clear, I’m not going to sugar coat this. Some of the biggest NFT names the space has seen to date are down so hard it brings that twinge of uneasiness to the pit of your stomach, like when you feel embarrassed for someone who clearly isn’t embarrassed for themselves.
I don’t mean to FUD or disparage certain projects (well maybe in some cases), but more to bring light to the fact that the NFT market is not for the faint of heart. There are still gains to be made, and many times the gains come from buying when something good is clearly underpriced…this is not to say that any of these falls into that category, I’ll defer to you to do your own research.
Let’s get into it.
The Qualifiers:
- Top 200(ish) all time volume on OpenSea
- Down Bigly
- Based on historical floor price only (it sucks to track this data down, but mostly from and OpenSea)
- Note: All Prices are in ETH – In USD these are much worse, luckily 1 ETH = 1 ETH
- I didn’t look at everything, and I’m also not a math wiz
Down 95% or More

The N Project All Time High: 2.24 – Current Floor: .029 (Down 99%)
Turns out, randomized numbers in NFT form are something the space doesn’t need. This was peak bull market behavior. I’m not the guy to walk you through the nuances of this project, but it obviously doesn’t matter because no one cares.
Cool Monkes Genesis All Time High: 1.39 – Current Floor: .04 (Down 97%)
So much potential, so many influencer group pumps, staking, burning, tokens…all for nothing. Lack of execution killed this one, but like so many of its predecessors trying to follow this model, it just looks to be a model that clearly doesn’t work long term. You can only add so much complexity to your project before people stop caring.
Tasty Bones XYZ All Time High: 1.92 – Current Floor: .09 (Down 95%)
I don’t know anything about this one other than the art is Doodle-esque crossed with CryptoMories and it doesn’t look great, in my expert artistic experience (sus).
Down 90-95%

We’re about to piss some people off.
PhantaBear All Time High: 7.89 – Current Floor: .43 (Down 94%)
This one caught kind of a weird pump from the Asian market and then everyone jumped in, but it was pretty short lived. The floor came crashing down in what seems like was the matter of just a few days. Epic.
Zipcy’s SuperNormal All Time High: 5.9 – Current Floor: .3 (Down 94%)
It’s cool and all, but almost 6 ETH cool? Zipcy’s is still working and building, but I think a return to the glory days of a potential blue chip NFT are out of the question.
Mutant Cats All Time High: 2.21 – Current Floor: .15 (Down 93%)
Oh, did I mention staking and tokens and all that? This one slayed for a couple weeks. I honestly don’t know what happens to these when the token goes to shit…people buying for the pfp now?
NFT Worlds All Time High: 17.48 – Current Floor: 1.2 (Down 93%)
How many metaverses do we need? Seriously. NFT Worlds was a free mint that cost you like an ETH in gas, I guess if you minted and held, you’re till ok? Just sadder?
Cool Pets All Time High: 3.04 – Current Floor: .22 (Down 93%)
I don’t even want to talk about it. What a disaster…
Coolman’s Universe All Time High: 2.39 – Current Floor: .18 (Down 92%)
The sadness that is the Coolman’s Universe. So much promise and potential, squandered when they rolled out the babies when the OG project was at 0.5 floor and no one really wanted them. Rough. If they can turn this around it would be an epic recovery.
Karafuru All Time High: 4.85 – Current Floor: .37 (Down 92%)
You know, the art is kind of cool. But if you bought at 4.8 and you still have this in your wallet, the art isn’t cool anymore. The art makes you angry.
Anonymice All Time High: 4.7 – Current Floor: .33 (Down 92%)
I hope your $cheeth was worth it and got you got out ok. Some of the smartest devs in the space from what I hear, so maybe there could be a revival in store?
Smilesss All Time High: 2.73 – Current Floor: .21 (Down 92%)
So cool when they minted, had a couple nice runs, the art is still cool. They landed one of the early partnerships with Coinbase NFT (RIP), but they just haven’t put it all together.
CryptoBatz All Time High: 1.43 – Current Floor: .11 (Down 92%)
So, the Ozzy Osbourne NFT didn’t work out for you, huh? Imagine that.
Muri by Haus All Time High: 1.25 – Current Floor: .11 (Down 92%)
Muri really had a good thing going, they launched at the right time and had a chance to maybe compete for with some of the bigger Anime plays for a spot at the table. I’m not entirely sure where this went wrong.
3Landers All Time High: 2.6 – Current Floor: .23 (Down 91%)
Revamp? 3Landers were smoking hot for a while, but they were doomed by a super complex roadmap that really wasn’t achievable without losing most of your holder base to impatience. However! They may be open to scrapping the road map and starting fresh, might be worth a watch.
Hape Prime All Time High: 9.45 – Current Floor: .92 (Down 90%)
Have all the Instagram hyped projects died yet? Imagine this hitting almost 10 ETH, you’ve owned the NFT for 3 weeks and it hasn’t revealed, and you still haven’t sold? Ouch.
KaijuKingz All Time Hight: 4.8 – Current Floor: .48 (Down 90%)
I’m not even going to pretend I know enough about the Kaiju’s to give an opinion. Down bad, that’s all I know.
Down 80-90%

Dour Darcels All Time High: 1.25 – Current Floor: .14 (Down 89%)
Sometimes in a bull market, things just run. This one wasn’t art based, sorry. But they gave it a nice go!
SupDucks All Time High: 2.4 – Current Floor: .3 (Down 88%)
The once happy rings of “Sup?” throughout the Twitterverse have long dissipated. There are still loyal ducks out there, but this was once tracking toward blue-chip status. What happened?
Alien Frens All Time High: 3.4 – Current Floor: .45 (Down 87%)
AF was a marketing behemoth from the jump, running from a .02 mint to almost 3.5 ETH at it’s peak. But we’re in a much different place today. Companion drops aren’t enough to revive anything.
0N1 Force All Time High: 1.65 – Current Floor: .22 (Down 87%)
Did these guys not pay their mods? I can’t even remember, other than being salty I missed the mint.
Mekaverse All Time High: 1.85 – Current Floor: .28 (Down 85%)
Remember when that NFT project dropped and all the NFT’s looked basically the same? Probably not the best way to go about things.
MetaHero Generative Identities All Time High: 6.9 – Current Floor: 1.05 (Down 82%)
I know there’s a big ecosystem here, I don’t know enough about it to talk proper trash, so we’ll just move on.
Down 70-80%

Cool Cats All Time High: 16.25 – Current Floor: 3.5 (Down 78%)
The sad story that is Cool Cats. From Blue Chip NFT to mid-level baby blue-chip, to who knows where. They have plenty working in their favor, if they can properly kick the Cool Pets fiasco out of everyone’s memory, they might have a recovery in them.
Mfers All Time High: 6.39 – Current Floor: 1.39 (Down 78%)
The meme is dead bro, but not before Sartoshi rugs his followers with one more drop.
Lazy Lions All Time High: 2.85 – Current Floor: .68 (Down 77%)
So loud on Twitter for so long! The roar has subsided, we’ll see where they go from here.
Quirkies All Time High: 3.6 – Current Floor: .9 (Down 75%)
The Quirkies were, well, quirky! Such a neat little project but has now settled into what is probably a more realistic price range.
Azuki All Time High: 34.49 – Current Floor: 9.4 (Down 73%)
To survive all the FUD and a frenzy of bad media the way Azuki did is nothing short of impressive. It remains to be seen if we they can get themselves back to a level that we all had hoped pre-scandal.
Invisible Friends All Time High: 9.99 – Current Floor: 2.85 (Down 71%)
Was this an Instagram pumper? I can’t even remember, but the hype leading up to the mint was nothing short of ridiculous. Animated NFT’s haven’t found their place really to this point, and I doubt if Invisible Friends is going to break that mold.
CyberBrokers All Time High: 6.25 – Current Floor: 1.89 (Down 70%)
So much potential, so many diamond handed whales. But so little interest from people not familiar with the project. I’ve got to think there are big things in store here. But what the hell do I know?
The Blue Chips

If you think your Blue-Chip bag is exempt, think again. I know there’s a lot that goes into these prices, but we’re talking all-time highs to current floors. That’s it. Take your airdrops or other benefits out of it entirely.
Veefriends Down 60% from ATH
Mutant Ape Yacht Club Down 60% from ATH
Doodles Down 58% from ATH
Clonex Down 56% from ATH
CyberKongz Down 50% from ATH
Moonbirds Down 50% from ATH
Bored Ape Yacht Club Down 46% from ATH
Rough article to write, not going to lie. But I think there are some legit buying opportunities in this heap if you do your diligence and really look at what you’re getting in to. Bear markets create buying opportunities that will pay off big if you play it right.
Go land some cool NFTs at a heavy discount!
Would love to hear your feedback via my Twitter, follow me here: Jp_Caz